





This final year project is about the jig design for radial hole of a drilling spindle.This article is according to general design step of jig and process the step below:


Based on the analysis of the components, we discussed the machining process, machining procedure,type of the blank casts of the components.


We established the machining procedure of the components based on the analysis of the components, explained the selection of surface machining method ,process technology principal of components and the authorization of machining process.


Deciding the overall concept of jigs, which include the method of machining, method of fixing and analysis of fixing error, method of clamping and the calculation of the clamping forces of cutting .


Reverse standoff voltage是保护二极管的反向工作电压, 在这个电压, 二极管是不工作的。 Breakdown voltage

是二极管的击穿电压, 超过这个电压后, 二极管迅速反向击穿, 进入导通状态。 Clamping voltage@Ipp是二极管在瞬间




Clip charter


charter 英[?t?ɑ:t?(r)] 美[?t?ɑ:rt?(r)]


[例句]He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland


[其他] 第三人称单数:charters 复数:charters 现在分词:chartering过去式:chartered 过去分词:chartered


水冷电缆 Water Cooled Cable

水冷铜管 Water Cooled Copper Pipe

导电横臂 Electric Conducting Cross Arm

安全要求 Security Requirements

极圆弧外表面吻合程度 The Fitting Degree of Electrode Circular Arc Outer Surface

密封性 Sealing Performance

夹头夹紧力 Clamping Force of Clamping Head

抗电强度 Dielectric Strength

绝缘电阻Insulation Resistance

外观 Appearance

装配尺寸 Assembling Size



成不稳定.目前已经加工完成."try clamping after cancel the hole,can't control change after floor and beam welding,as body assembly instability.at present it has been completed "

"2," 右侧围外板总成: right outside plate assembly

由于该处是利用此孔作为定位.若取消该孔就只能用外周边进行定位.见上图 处


(包括3D与2D图) "used hole as a positioning,used perimeter zone if cancel the hole. see illustrations(那个绿色的圈你要自己打出来)no impact with the jig,the plan finished,processing state,we need two days change the sheet.(Including 3D and 2D chart)

"3," 右侧围板总成40#与50#:right side plate assembly 40#&50#

"此套夹具在工具箱孔处有一支POST为单排专用,若取消该孔,此处就必须作成与单排车切换. 制作成该 making this configuration


目前图面已完成,若修改为该结构,相当于增加两支POST,修改后可能与滑撬有点干涉,滑撬需修改.预计修改图面需40小时.(包括3D与2D图).修改后对夹具精度无影响.At present drawings have been completed, Equivalent to increase two post if making this configuration,The revised prising there is interference with hang equipment.Modification sheet expect 40 hours。(Including 3D and 2D ).Without affecting the accuracy of the fixture after Modification. "

"4," 主车线60#:Main Line cars60#

此处有夹持地板,此孔取消后地Here are gripping floor,Can't control the floor and change of welding carling and 吊具吊地板到该工为地板的变形等板与纵梁焊接后的变形以及吊具吊地板到该工为地板的变形等无法控制.对整个车身的精度On the accuracy of the whole body and stability are affected和稳定性都会有影响.

若此孔必须取消有如下建议:Some of our recommendations if this hole must be lifted:

在地板底部增加电磁铁,将变形将变形的地板吸到正常位置.的地板吸到正常位置.但效果肯定没目前压持好.Increase electromagnet in the bottom floor, But the results certainly not better than now.若改为电磁铁支撑,"If the electromagnet to support larger workload here Laws


综上所述,受影响的夹具有:1,试作夹具(此处夹持只有取消,无法修改)" Summing up the above, the affected jig:1.try out jig(can't change clamp,must cancel it).2.right outside plate assembly.3.right side plate assembly 40#&50#.4.Main Line cars60#(Laws workload, the effect is not good)

2.右侧围外板总成 3.右侧围板总成40#与50#(2与3修改后无影响)4.主车线60#(修改工作量大,效果不理想)建议不取消该孔.Not recommended for cancellation this hole

1、direction of installation of piston spacer varies with method of installation of injection mold clamping cylinder lower cover.


2、piston spacer installation changes injection mold clamping stroke from 615mm to 610mm

活塞垫片的安装将注射模具的锁模行程由615mm 改成610mm.

clamping cylinder: 锁缸

clamping force :锁模力

clamping stroke:锁模行程

Platen stroke : 开模行程
